Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Do hollywood and rock stars need social media stratagies?

I think they do. They need ways to reach out to their followers.

Magazines, how i would change them

I would make them a hard cover binding.

Newpapers,how i would change them

I would add color,change the format, and add a lot more pictures.

Facebook applications i love

I like farmville and bejewled.

My parents are on facebook

My parents are never on my facebook. I'm almost positive that they don't even know what it is and that I'm one of those million people that has a facebook page.

How schools could use social media

The School could use social media for sports,clubs, and a lot of things.

Technology that empowers me

My cell phone is the device that empowers me. It lets me text friends,browse the web, and talk to someone when needed.